DUCTZ of the Upper Bay Region

Duct Cleaning FAQs

Have Questions? We would love to hear from you with your questions about duct cleaning or dryer vent cleaning; call us at 410-692-9775, or you might be able to find your answer below, or you can email us at scott.jasion@ductz.com.

The cleaning method deployed by DUCTZ is to use a push/pull method of cleaning as defined in the NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaners Assoc) ACR 2006 and ACR2013 standards.

First, the system is isolated into its two primary air flows (return airflow and supply airflow). The system is put under negative pressure by attaching a large vacuum/collection unit to the main return air trunk line. We remove the register vents and wash them, and each duct is sealed to prevent any dust from escaping the system. All good quality duct cleaners will use high-pressure compressed air with air whips. Air washes run from each register boot to the main trunk line to get the particulate airborne into the vacuum stream and push any debris towards the collection unit. This agitation makes the particulate airborne, and the negative air (vacuum) flow causes it to be trapped in the HEPA-filtered collection unit. DUCTZ of the Upper Bay thinks this is only the start of the process. We then brush the ducts using cable drive rotating brushes (brush material is selected based on the size and type of duct) to contact all the duct surfaces (whips and washes only contact some of the duct surfaces - see the pictures - ).

When all the branch duct lines are complete, we clean the return pans and the main return trunk and plenum.

The process is repeated on the Supply-side by moving the negative air collection vacuum to the supply trunk and then cleaning each supply duct in the same manner.

The Air handler (Furnace/Air conditioner) is also thoroughly cleaned. The Blower fan is cleaned with a HEPA vac and air wash process (type 1 cleaning) or, if encrusted, may require the fan assembly to be removed from the system, power washed, reassembled, and reinstalled (Type 2 cleaning). The Evaporator coils are cleaned according to the condition (Type 1 cleaning consists of contact vacuuming and air washing the coil. If severely impacted or significant microbial growth, Type 2 cleaning utilizing coil cleaning solution and rinses may be used).

Finally, all access holes are sealed according to industry standards, and the air system is tested to ensure proper working conditions.

There are many different types and configurations of ductwork: bare metal, fiberglass lined metal, spiral metal, flex duct, fiberboard, concrete slab, etc., all of which require different equipment and cleaning methods. We are fully equipped and experienced in cleaning all types.

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